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Please note that all ARS Activities, bowling, Different Drummer, MLC New Friends, Karaoke, Craft nights, open swim nights, walking track, People First, Art classes, etc…ALL ARS Events are canceled until at least Monday, April 6th.  Please understand that this decision was not easy to make.  If you have any questions, please email me at or call me at 507.217.0383, and I will try to answer any questions you have.  I know that a lot of you will be upset by this news, and I am very sorry for that.    I want to thank you all for your understanding.

I do want to note that we are going ahead with the Cash Back Bowling Event on Saturday, March 14.  I encourage you to use your best judgement when coming to the event.

Karrie Borchert, ARS Coordinator

Different Drummer Update for 2/26

Different Drummer update: due to a very generous donation from Chris and Jenny Vorwerk and Barbra Ries, admission will be $10 for the meal with no cover charge. Please thank them when you see them at events (Alex’s parents and grandma).

Menu for 2/26 will be burger and fries or shrimp poppers and fries with fruit and dessert.


Please join ARS staff and volunteers at Concordia Lanes on Saturday, March 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for the Cash Back Bowling Fundraiser.  Bring your friends, neighbors and grandma too!  See the attached flyer for all the information.  Call Karrie Borchert, coordinator of ARS, with any questions at 507.217.0383.

Cash Back Bowling Fundraiser 2020

March Newsletter is Ready

The ARS March Newsletter/Calendar is ready.  Please use the link below or the one under the Newsletter Tab on the website.

March 2020

Please also note the Cash Back Bowling Fundraiser.  It is scheduled for Saturday, March 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Please come and bring your family and friends to help raise money for ARS programming.   Please see the attached flyer.


Cash Back Bowling Fundraiser 2020


Wednesday, February 19

Please note this change in our schedule….on Wednesday, February 19, we will have Birthday 🎂BINGO instead of the listed event.

February Newsletter

The February Newsletter is now available.  Find it using the link below or under the Newsletter Tab on this website.  Thanks!

February 2020

Fundraiser CANCELED

Cash Back Bowling Fundraiser is Canceled for today.  We will reschedule for February or March.

Bowling is canceled.

No ARS bowling today, December 30.

January 2020 Newletter is Ready!

I have posted the January 2020 Newsletter on this website.  It can be found with the link below and also under the Newsletter Tab.  Please get your RSVPs in as soon as you can.  Lots of stuff happening in 2020!

January 2020

Bowling Fundraiser

Please see the attached flyer for information about our Cash Back Bowling Fundraiser on Saturday, January 18th from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  We need to see you all there!

Cash Back Bowling Fundraiser 2020