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12/8. Adventure Club is canceled

Windchill is below zero again today ugh….. ARS is canceled tonight


ARS BINGO NIGHT is canceled due to the windchill being below zero again.  Stay tuned to see if tomorrow night’s activity will be held. As always, tune into KNUJ 860 am and SAM 107.3 fm for cancellation information.

12/6/16 Craft Night Canceled

I’ve been holding off as long as I could, but I don’t think it’s going to warm up.  My phone app says windchill of -6…….brrrrr.  Policy says the event is canceled.  Stay home and stay warm.   ~Karrie

December Newsletter is ready! See you at events.

Board Games with MVL students 11/1/2016

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Pottery 11/3/2016

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Bonfire Night 10/21/2016

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Halloween Fun…Thanks “Worst Band in the World”

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November Newsletter

Hi All!  The November Newsletter is finally available.  Please look it over and RSVP soon for the upcoming events.  Also, the New Registration Form for 2017 is available on this website and will also be emailed with the Newsletter.  Please take the time to fill it out and get it to me at the ARS office.  Just slide it under the door if I’m not in.  Thanks!  See you at November events.   —Karrie

Campfire at Finstad’s 10/21/16

GREAT NEWS!!!  ARS received a very generous cash donation to help us bring down the cost of the bonfire grill out and sing-along!  The cost is now $3.00 (was $10.00) per person.  Please call or use the RSVP tab on the website to let me know if you are coming.  I don’t want to run out of hot dogs and smores!!!!   Thanks–Karrie