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October Newsletter
The October Newsletter is ready for you to see. Find it under the Newsletter Tab on this website. Please call, text, email or use the RSVP tab to let me know you are coming to events. See you in October!
ARS Oktoberfest Bake Sale
ARS will again have a bake sale at the Marktplatz Mall during Oktoberfest. We will be there on Saturday, October 7 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please drop off baked good between 9:30 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. at our booth at the Mall. Please have goodies in ziplock bags or on wrapped paper plates. You can price the stuff, or we can! This is a huge fundraiser for ARS, so please bake and eat! Thanks and hope to see you all there.
Bowling Starts September 11
Calling all bowlers!!! ARS bowling starts at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, September 11. Cost will be $5.00 per game (the remaining 25 cents per game will be picked up by the Allina Neighborhood Health Grant). Please get your registrations in to me before August 31st so that we can form teams. Oh….and new bowling T-shirts are being designed. I hope to present you with details very soon. Thanks!
September Newsletter is ready!
Hi. Check out the September Newsletter under the Newsletter Tab on this website. Please get your RSVPs in. See you at events!
ARS League Bowling 2017-2018
Bowling will begin on Monday, September 11. We will be getting new bowling shirts this year, so watch for info on that. Bowling Banquet will be announced in the September Newsletter. Bowling Registration Form will be attached to this post.
August Newsletter is READY!!
Check out the August Newsletter. You will find it under the Newsletter Tab on this website. I am also enclosing some forms for upcoming events–you will find a Corn Roast Flyer, a registration sheet for Wilderness Inquiry Canoeing Trip and bowling registration sheets. Thanks!
July Newsletter is ready!
Check out the July Newsletter. Many fun things to do in July. Please read carefully and RSVP as soon as you can for these events. The Moon Dogs game has been moved to Tuesday, July 25. Please check out the instructions regarding your RSVP. See you all in July!
June Newsletter is READY!
I finally got the Newsletter for June ready! Sorry it took so long–what a whirlwind. Lots of stuff to do in June. Also, please think ahead to July and look at my note about the Moondogs game on Wednesday, July 19. If you think you would like to go, please call me. Tickets for the dog pound are $28 and include free food and drinks. Transportation will be expensive, so I need to know what kind of interest there is. Please leave me a message if I don’t answer. See you at activities! Karrie:)
May Newsletter is READY!!!
Look for the May Newsletter under the Newsletter tab on this website. If you want it emailed to you, please get your email address to so I can add it to my contacts. Just a note….all ARS participants are invited to the Bowling Banquet….so even if you aren’t a bowler, you are still invited. See you at events!