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No ARS tonight 4/10/2019

Due to the snow, ARS painting with Rhonda is canceled for tonight.

March Newsletter is READY

I finally got the March Newsletter done!  Find it under the Newsletter Tab on this website.  I will email shortly to those on the list and then mail out copies this month because of the weather.  Thanks!


March 2019


ARS Bowling is Canceled for tonight, Monday, February 25.

No ARS pottery tonight

Pottery class has been canceled for tonight, Thursday, February 7th.

No ARS 2/6/19

ARS BINGO is canceled for tonight, Wednesday February 6th.

ARS Canceled

All ARS events for the week are canceled.  The next event will be Monday, February 4.

No ARS bowling today

Bowling is canceled for today.  Stay home and stay safe.  Monday, January 28th.

February Newsletter is ready

Hi.  The February Newsletter has been emailed to those on the email list.  It will be available for pick up at all events this week—-let’s hope we get to have events!  I will be mailing out copies to those on the mailing list as well.  You can find the Newsletter under the Newsletter Tab on the website, and I also added a link to this post.  Thanks!

February 2019

No ARS tonight

Pizza and a movie is canceled for tonight.  Stay home and stay warm!

No ARS event tonight

ARS is canceled for tonight, Thursday, January 24th due to the windchill.  See you tomorrow, hopefully!